RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Consequentiality, Elicitation Formats, and the Willingness to Pay for Green Electricity: Evidence from Germany JF Land Economics JO Land Econ FD University of Wisconsin Press SP 626 OP 640 DO 10.3368/le.97.3.626 VO 97 IS 3 A1 Andor, Mark A. A1 Frondel, Manuel A1 Horvath, Marco YR 2021 UL http://le.uwpress.org/content/97/3/626.abstract AB Based on hypothetical responses from a large-scale survey among about 6,000 German households, this study investigates the discrepancy in willingness-to-pay (WTP) estimates for green electricity across single-binary-choice and open-ended valuation formats. Recognizing that respondents self-select into two groups distinguished by their beliefs in their answers’ consequences for policy making, we use a switching regression model that accounts for the potential endogeneity of respondents’ beliefs in consequences and biases from sample selectivity. Contrasting with the received literature, we find that WTP bids tend to be higher among those respondents who received questions in the open-ended, rather than in the single-binary-choice format.