RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Case-Based Reasoning and Dynamic Choice Modeling JF Land Economics JO Land Econ FD University of Wisconsin Press SP 103 OP 121 DO 10.3368/le.120820-0183R1 VO 99 IS 1 A1 Thomas, Priya A1 Guilfoos, Todd YR 2023 UL http://le.uwpress.org/content/99/1/103.abstract AB Estimating discrete choices under uncertainty typically rely on assumptions of expected utility theory. We build on the dynamic choice modeling literature by using a nonlinear case-based reasoning approach based on cognitive processes and forms expectations by comparing the similarity between past problems and the current problem faced by a decision maker. This study provides a proof of concept of a behavioral model of location choice applied to recreational fishers’ location choice behavior in Connecticut. We find the case-based decision model does well in explaining the observed data and provides value in explaining the dynamic value of attributes.