RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Income Elasticity of Willingness to Pay for Better Air Quality JF Land Economics JO Land Econ FD University of Wisconsin Press SP 022822-0018R2 DO 10.3368/le.100.3.022822-0018R2 A1 He, Jie A1 He, Yue A1 Zhang, Bing YR 2024 UL http://le.uwpress.org/content/early/2024/01/18/le.100.3.022822-0018R2.abstract AB We use a nested CES utility function to introduce a private environmental substitute in a theoretical model. We found that buyer’s income elasticity of WTP increases with price of the substitute and decreases with income. Meanwhile, a higher price and a lower income also discourage purchase of the substitute, reducing the proportion of buyers in population. We therefore need to consider both dimensions while discussing societal mean WTP. An empirical check based on a contingent valuation survey confirms our theoretical findings. The projected income-WTP curves reveal inequality reduces the mean WTP more in the presence of private environmental substitutes.