Table 3

Preferred Specification (Neighborhood Fixed Effects with Year by High School Time Dummies) with Commercial Controls

Variable: ln(price)Model 1Model 2Model 3
Number of groceries within 0.5 mi  0.0129*** (0.0024)  0.0131*** (0.0023)  0.0134*** (0.0026)
Number of groceries within 0.5 to 1.0 mi  0.0079*** (0.0019)  0.0080*** (0.0019)  0.0085*** (0.0018)
Distance to nongrocery commercial lot  0.0590*** (0.0078)  0.0592*** (0.0078)  0.0605*** (0.0079)
Distance to nearest nongrocery commercial lot distance2–0.0177*** (0.0035)–0.0178*** (0.0035)–0.0178*** (0.0035)
Commercial lot % within 1.0 mi–0.0005 (0.0006)–0.0003 (0.0007)
Number of bars within 0.5 mi–0.0015 (0.0036)
Number of bars within 0.5 to 1.0 mi–0.0073*** (0.0022)
% AA +% LA census tract–0.2653*** (0.0249)–0.2668*** (0.0248)–0.2569*** (0.0271)
Adjusted R20.73940.73940.7398
  • Note: Standard errors clustered at the year of sale level. AA, African American; LA, Latino American.

  • *** Significant at 1%.