Table 1

Variable Descriptions and Summary Statistics

VariableDescriptionMeanStd. Dev.
REALPRICEProperty sale price (2016 dollars)172,508.22139,209.51
AGEAge of the property (years)37.4224.34
STORIESNumber of stories1.300.40
RMTOTTotal number of rooms6.861.69
FP a1 if property has a fireplace3,28946.51
FIXTOTTotal number of fixtures7.623.40
SFLASquare footage (living area)2,049.42977.77
ACRESLot area (acres)0.360.90
GASFUELa1 if the property uses gas as heating fuel1,29833.51
ELECTRICFUELa1 if the property uses electric heating11810.8
CENTRALHEATa1 if the property has central heat and air8,52730.95
POORCONDITIONa1 if the property was sold in poor condition396.23
GOODCONDITIONa1 if the property was sold in good condition23115.01
BRICKa1 if construction is mainly brick6,63345.31
FRAMEa1 if construction is mainly wood frame1,21532.58
TOWNHOUSEa1 if property is a townhouse617.68
PBHPercentage of African American households39.4032.01
PHHPercentage of Hispanic households5.497.21
URATEUnemployment rate (percent)8.426.16
MEDHHINCMedian household income (dollars)65,797.3132,356.37
τ2011a1 if the property was sold in 20111,55736.12
τ2012a1 if the property was sold in 20121,86338.75
τ2013a1 if the property was sold in 20131,95539.46
τ2014a1 if the property was sold in 20141,76937.99
τ2015a1 if the property was sold in 20152,06640.27
τ2016a1 if the property was sold in 201639619.49
comtimeHousehold’s commuting time (minutes per day)22.623.57
dist2cbdDistance to central business district (kilometers)19.339.14
dist2roadDistance to the closest main road (kilometers)1.100.87
dist2openspDistance to open spaces (kilometers)6.704.91
dist2riverDistance to the (Mississippi) river19.249.46
L50(μ)Sound pressure level (decibels)49.942.76
L50(μ)′Sound pressure level (millipascals)6,613.042,169.40
POPDENSITY (δ)Inhabitants per square kilometer1,124.79633.84
DIST2AIRPORT (r)Distance to the airport (kilometers)18.218.20
AZIMUTD (?)Direction from the airport (radians)0.700.89
NSample size9,606
  • Note: Summary statistics for 34 zip codes dummy variables are not reported, to save space, but are available upon request.

  • a Binary variables are assumed to follow the binomial distribution: means and standard deviations for these variables are computed for the binomial distribution.