Table 1

Summary Statistics

VariableMeanStd. Dev.
Structural Characteristics
Sales price109,360.539,587.5
Home size (square feet)1,238.113364.692
Home age75.51022.537
Number of bedrooms3.0250.762
Full bathrooms1.1780.403
Half bathrooms0.3060.482
Air conditioning0.5510.497
Powder rooms0.3020.478
Attached garage0.0830.276
Detached garage0.7950.403
Demographics and Neighborhood
Proportion AA + LA (census tract)0.3340.301
Proportion commercial land use within 1.0 mi0.1280.071
Distance to nearest nongrocery commercial lot (thousands of feet)0.5500.456
Distance to central business district (thousands of feet)24.5529.959
Distance to nearest park (thousands of feet)1.3330.977
Grocery Stores
Number of groceries within 0.5 mi0.5440.721
Number of groceries within 0.5 to 1.0 mi1.2131.213
Number of bars within 0.5 mi0.7551.083
Number of bars within 0.5 to 1.0 mi1.9862.152
  • Note: AA, African American; LA, Latino American.