Table 2

Regression Results without Interaction Effects or Commercial Controls

Variable ln(price)High School Fixed Effects and Year of Sale DummiesSeparate Year Dummies by High School DistrictNeighborhood Fixed Effects and Year DummiesNeighborhood Fixed Effects and High School by Year Dummies
Number of groceries within 0.5 mi  0.0116***
Number of groceries within 0.5 to 1.0 mi–0.0062***
% AA +% LA (census tract)–0.5922***
Home size (square feet)  0.0004***
(6.55 ×10–6)
(6.45 ×10–6)
(6.42 ×10–6)
(6.30 ×10–6)
Home age–0.0022***
Number of bedrooms–0.0127***
Full bathrooms  0.0660***
Attic  0.0227***
Basement  0.2481***
Fireplace  0.0730***
Air conditioning  0.0694***
Detached garage  0.1015***
Attached garage  0.1090***
Distance to central
business district  0.0002
Distance to nearest park–0.0001***
Adjusted R20.68290.69530.72230.7357
  • Note: Standard errors clustered at the year of sale level. AA, African American; LA, Latino American.

  • * Significant at 10%;

  • ** significant at 5%;

  • *** significant at 1%.