Table 1

Comparison of Treated and Control Counties in 1930

More TreatedLess (or Not) Treated
Proportion within the
100-Mile-Wide Shelterbelt
Zone >50%
Proportion within the
100-Mile-Wide Shelterbelt
Zone <50%
Proportion protected by shelterbelts1170.300.281170.190.280.11*
Other Right-Hand-Side Variables
Proportion medium-erodedb1170.410.351170.380.350.03
Proportion high-erodedb1170.200.321170.130.260.07
Proportion above the Ogallala Aquiferb1170.320.421170.370.45-0.05
Total precipitation in recent 2 years (mm)1171,114.28166.051171,118.22239.92−3.94
Average temperature in recent 2 years (°C)11710.514.351179.823.990.69
Farmland/county area1170.910.071170.890.090.02
Woodland/county area1170.010.021170.020.04−0.01
Population per 1,000 acres11721.2211.3811726.1529.24−4.93
Fraction of rural population1170.900.161170.860.220.04
Fraction of farming population1170.620.111170.580.160.04*
Number of farms/1,000 acres1172.641.231172.631.500.01
Average farm size (in acres)117443.19323.11117508.53460.90−65.33
Area of corn/cropland1170.170.191170.170.170.00
Area of wheat/cropland1170.290.271170.310.24−0.02
Area of hay/cropland1170.110.131170.130.14−0.02
Area of cotton/cropland1170.120.251170.050.150.07*
Area of oat, barley, and rye/cropland1170.120.121170.150.12−0.03*
Number of cows/1,000 acres11752.2417.4511753.8323.79−1.60
Number of pigs/1,000 acres11752.3863.3111757.4076.20−5.03
Number of chickens/1,000 acres117241.55159.19117245.50189.27−3.95
  • a Main data source from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Census of Agriculture and Population; see Appendix B for more detailed definition of variables

  • b Soil erosion data from Hornbeck (2012); data on the Ogallala Aquifer from Hornbeck and Keskin (2014)

  • * t-test with p-value < 0.05