Table 5

Results of the Turbine Density Variables for Specific Distance Ranges and Marginal Effects of Additional Turbines

VariableFull SampleOpposed MunicipalitiesUnopposed Municipalities
1 km2 km5 km1 km2 km5 km1 km2 km5 km
Turbine density–0.057**
Marginal Effects (dollars)
1st turbine–8,141–6,382–4,069–9,342–7,037–4,333–639–2,385–2,342
2nd turbine–4,616–3,645–2,345–5,272–4,007–2,495–371–1,383–1,357
5th turbine–1,982–1,580–1,031–2,249–1,732–1,096–165–614–604
10th turbine–1,000–803–527–1,127–877–560–87–318–312
20th turbine–491–398–265–551–435–282–46–160–156
50th turbine–189–156–106–212–169–111–19–65–63
  • Note: Standard errors in parentheses.

  • *, ** Statistical significance at the 5% and 1% levels, respectively.