OLS and Interval Regression Land Sale Estimates

Estimation methodOLSOLSOLSInterval regressionInterval regressionInterval regression
Dependent variableln(Sales price)ln(Sales price)ln(Sales price)In (Sales price)ln(Sales price)ln(Sales price)
Independent variable
Residential (yes = 1, no = 0)
0.749*** (4.70)0.749*** (4.72)0.737*** (4.65)1.668*** (5.44)1.675* (5.48)1.649*** (5.40)
  Commercial (yes = 1, no = 0)1.578***(6.59)1.587***(6.63)1.552*** (6.48)3.289*** (7.18)3.307*** (7.21)3.235*** (7.07)
  ln(Size of lot) (square feet)0.166* (1.85)0.169* (1.88)0.164* (1.82)0.343** (1.99)0.350** (2.02)0.342** (1.96)
  Buildable (yes = 1, no = 0)0.302* (1.79)0.300* (1.78)0.305* (1.80)0.634* (1.93)0.625* (1.90)0.637* (1.94)
  ln(Distance to Packard plant) (feet)1.434*** (4.17)0.731** (2.14)1.002*** (2.88)3.227*** (4.38)1.599** (2.15)2.214*** (2.88)
  ln(Distance to city center) (miles)− 1.330* (− 1.79)− 2.446*** (−2.84)− 2.813* (−1.85)− 5.358*** (−3.17)
  ln(Distance to border) (miles)− 0.833***(−2.63)− 1.243*** (−3.57)− 1.919***(−3.03)− 2.82*** (−4.02)
  Sold in 2007 (yes = 1, no = 0)0.181 (1.16)0.167 (1.07)0.171 (1.10)0.597* (1.95)0.571* (1.87)0.583* (1.91)
  Sold in 2008 (yes = l, no = 0)− 0.388** (−2.53)− 0.392** (−2.56)− 0.392** (−2.56)− 0.609** (— 2.05)− 0.613** (−2.06)− 0.611** (— 2.06)
  Sold in 2009 (yes = l, no = 0)− 0.703*** (−3.91)− 0.688*** (−3.83)− 0.710*** (−3.96)− 1.348*** (−3.82)− 1.312*** (−3.73)− 1.365*** (−3.87)
  Sold in 2010 (yes = 1, no = 0)−0.731 (−0.568)−0.757 (−1.33)−0.759 (−1.34)−1.042 (−0.86)−1.096 (−0.91)−1.107 (−0.92)
Wald chi2961.02***907.23***1,011.23***
Adjusted R20.0720.0730.076
Number of observations3,7883,7883,7883,7883,7883,788
Number of left censored observations963963963
Number of right censored observations944944944
  • Note: z-Statistics in parentheses. All estimates include a set of 53 (of 54) neighborhood indicator variables. OLS, ordinary least squares.

  • * Statistical significance at the 90% confidence interval;

  • ** at the 95% confidence interval;

  • *** at the 99% confidence interval.