Table 1 Hedonic Studies of Natural Area Views
Study AreaData PeriodNumber of ObservationsFixed Effects?GIS Techniques?
Kulshreshtha and Gillies 1993Saskatoon,Saskatchewan1986–1987392NoneNo
Benson et al. 1998Bellingham, Washington1984–1994(separate regressions for each year)500–722NoneNo
Bourassa et al. 2004Auckland, New Zealand19964,814NoneNo
Tyrväinen and Miettinen 2000Two small towns in Finland1984–1986590NoneNo
Loomis and Feldman 2003Plumas County,California1987–2001964NoneNo
Paterson and Boyle 2002Two exurban areas in Connecticut1987–1989 (18months)500NoneYes
Sander and Polasky 2009Ramsey County,Minnesota19854,900Limited spatial(seven areas)Yes
Cavailhes et al.2009Dijon, France1995–20022,667Sale year; limited spatial (township level)Yes
Lake et al. 2000Glasgow, Scotland19863,456NoneYes
Baranzini and Schaerer 2011Geneva,Switzerland200512,932NoneYes
Hamilton and Morgan 2010Pensacola, Florida1998–2007100NoneYes
Bin et al. 2008Four beach towns in North Carolina1995–20021,075Sale year; limited spatial (four towns)Yes
  • Note: GIS, geographic information system.