Table 5

First-Stage Model Estimated Coefficients and Robust Standard Errors

Model 1 QuadraticModel 2 Natural Log
Percentage of tree canopy on the property0.00046 (0.00035)
Percentage of tree canopy on the property squared−1.28e205*** (4.42e206)
Percentage of tree canopy within ¼ mile of the property: N0.00767*** (0.0018)
Percentage of tree canopy within ¼ mile of the property: NW−0.0140*** (0.00234)
Percentage of tree canopy within ¼ mile of the property: NE−0.0049** (0.0021)
Percentage of tree canopy within ¼ mile of the property: SW−0.0080*** (0.0019)
Percentage of tree canopy within ¼ mile of the property: SE−0.00082 (0.00187)
Percentage of tree canopy within ¼ mile of the property squared: N−0.00024** (0.000104)
Percentage of tree canopy within ¼ mile of the property squared: NW0.000269*** (0.000105)
Percentage of tree canopy within ¼ mile of the property squared: NE0.000132 (0.000111)
Percentage of tree canopy within ¼ mile of the property squared: SW0.000248** (0.000104)
Percentage of tree canopy within ¼ mile of the property squared: SE0.000134 (0.000104)
Percentage of area within ¼ mile of property with wetlands−0.0008864 (0.0013852)−0.0009005 (0.0013853)
Percentage of area within ¼ mile of property with rivers0.0072869 (0.0006611)***0.0073019 (0.0006615)***
Percentage of area within ¼ mile of property with streams−0.0278367 (0.0076645)***−0.018638 (0.00738)**
Natural log of percentage of lot with tree canopy−0.004977*** (0.001786)
Natural log of percentage of area within ¼ mile of property with tree canopy0.018990*** (0.003931)
Natural log of percentage of area within ¼ mile of property with tree canopy: NW−0.083126*** (0.012220)
Natural log of percentage of area within ¼ mile of property with tree canopy: NE−0.008506* (0.004943)
Natural log of percentage of area within ¼ mile of property with tree canopy: SW−0.022236*** (0.006473)
Natural log of percentage of area within ¼ mile of property with tree canopy: SE0.005410 (0.004411)
  • * Significant at 10%;

  • ** significant at 5%;

  • *** significant at 1%.