Table 4

Definitions and Summary Statistics of Homeowner Characteristics

VariableDefinitionSample MeanSample Std. Dev.2006 Population MeanaDemand Shifter2SLS Instrument
EDUCATIONYears of schooling16.752.4214.26XX
INCOMEAnnual family income$77,352$44,086$76,550XX
SITETIMEThe sum of the average on-site time spent per trip at five natural parks194.41148.56XX
AGE14Number of family members younger than 140.570.90X
AGE1425Number of family members between 14 and 250.160.53X
AGE2540Number of family members between 25 and 401.060.89X
AGE4060Number of family members between 40 and 600.550.79X
AGE60Number of family members older than 600.080.35X
PRKVIEWImportance of view of park in housing choice3.972.49X
PRKTCImportance of tree canopy at park6.352.06X
PRKHTImportance of hiking trails at park6.032.21X
FRSTTIMEAverage on-site time spent per trip at Forest Park69.6963.37X
TBRTIMEAverage on-site time spent per trip at Mount Tabor52.3749.76X
PBTIMEAverage on-site time spent per trip at Powell Butte Park23.4346.64X
TCKTIMEAverage on-site time spent per trip at Tryon Creek Park26.9246.80X
  • a The total population of Portland, Oregon, in 2006 was 539,950. Population summary statistics are from the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey, 2006 (U.S. Census Bureau 2008).