Determinants of Participation in Land Rental Market, Pooled Data (Ordered Probit Model)

Farming ability (estimated from model results in Table 3)0.248** (2.43)0.180* (1.70)
Log of household income (lagged)0.090* (1.65)
Log of adult equivalents0.378*** (4.33)0.379*** (4.37)0.345*** (3.84)
Log of acres owned-0.450*** (7.13)- 0.373*** (5.25)- 0.585*** (6.24)
(Log of acres owned)20.064* (1.90)
Log of rental rate0.087 (0.67)0.099 (0.77)0.083 (0.64)
Log of value of agricultural assets0.217*** (4.80)0.204*** (4.50)0.185*** (3.91)
Log of household head’s age12.814*** (4.01)12.855*** (4.04)12.646*** (3.94)
Log of household head’s age squared-1.631*** (4.04)- 1.637*** (4.07)- 1.608*** (3.96)
Household head completed primary school ( = 1)-0.135 (1.28)-0.144 (1.38)-0.139 (1.31)
Female-headed household ( = 1)- 0.280*** (2.68)-0.267** (2.51)- 0.252** (2.45)
Distance to extension services (km)0.008 (0.71)0.006 (0.49)0.009 (0.77)
Death of household head since prior survey ( = 1)0.108 (0.49)0.103 (0.47)0.097 (0.44)
Distance to main road (km)0.022 (0.54)0.022 (0.56)0.025 (0.62)
Population density (persons per km2)0.306 (0.99)0.249 (0.84)0.391* (1.94)
Log of rainfall during main growing season (mm)-3.647* (1.69)-3.224 (1.53)-3.671* (1.72)
Log of rainfall during last main growing season (mm)0.309 (0.33)0.205 (0.23)0.225 (0.23)
Distance to nearest piped water source0.000 (0.03)- 0.000 (0.04)0.000 (0.04)
Distance to the nearest electricity supply0.006 (0.31)0.002 (0.09)0.008 (0.40)
Credit constrained ( = 1)-0.130 (0.49)-0.109 (0.42)-0.188 (0.69)
  • Note: Robust z-statistics in parentheses. All the standard errors are adjusted for clustering effect at the village level. Agroecological zone and village dummies are included in all the regressions. Other controls include village soil types and topology features. Inverse probability weighting is used to account for potential attrition bias (see methods section for description).

  • * Significant at 10%;

  • ** Significant at 5%;

  • *** Significant at 1%.