Adult equivalents in the initial period | -0.003 (1.32) | 0.002 (0.77) | -0.014 (1.13) |
Rented-in land in the initial period | -0.010 (0.87) | 0.011 (0.70) | 0.003 (1.16) |
Members < 14 in the initial period | 0.016*** (4.42) | - 0.002 (0.65) | 0.009 (0.23) |
Members > 60 in the initial period | 0.018** (2.32) | 0.008 (0.75) | 0.003 (0.49) |
Female-headed household in the initial period | -0.024** (1.69) | - 0.020 (0.95) | 0.006 (0.57) |
Household head with primary education | -0.016 (1.61) | - 0.001 (0.05) | -0.002 (0.17) |
Household head with secondary education | 0.017 (1.55) | -0.014 (0.80) | - 0.007 (0.62) |
Secondary education as the highest education of | 0.002 (0.17) | 0.025 (0.79) | 0.012 (0.58) |
household members | | | |
Productive assets in the initial period | 0.004*** (2.85) | 0.002 (0.95) | - 0.001 (0.97) |
Value of durable consumer goods in the prior period | - 0.001 (0.78) | 0.006** (2.44) | 0.001 (0.33) |
Share of income from livestock production | 0.001 (0.05) | - 0.001 (0.77) | 0.012 (1.38) |
Share of income from off-farm activities | - 0.009 (0.63) | - 0.007 (0.50) | -0.010 (0.73) |
Land endowment in the initial period | -0.001 (1.61) | 0.005** (2.03) | 0.003** (2.02) |
Distance to tarmac road (km) | 0.001 (1.28) | - 0.001 (0.88) | -0.001 (1.55) |
Distance from extension advice (km) | - 0.001 (0.72) | 0.002** (1.85) | 0.000 (0.27) |
Survey team 2 | -0.056 (1.49) | 0.034 (1.57) | 0.020 (0.83) |
Survey team 3 | -0.032 (1.44) | 0.048*** (3.29) | -0.050 (1.47) |
Survey team 4 | - 0.057** (2.49) | 0.026 (1.19) | 0.006 (0.41) |
Predicted probability of remaining in the panel | 0.95 | 0.93 | 0.96 |
Observations | 1,523 | 1,439 | 1,333 |