Table 2 Input Use and Investment by Plot Ownership and Cultivation Status
Tenant’s Rented-In PlotTenant’s Owner-Cultivated PlotsLandlord’s Owner-Cultivated PlotsDifference
MeanStd. Dev.MeanStd. Dev.MeanStd. Dev.(1)-(2)(1)-(3)(2)-(3)
Input Use
Number of times the plot was weeded1.54(0.79)1.49(0.83)1.56(0.83)
1=applied herbicide0.21(0.41)0.24(0.43)0.09(0.28)******
kg of inorganic fertilizer applied /ha221(227)225(227)152(203)******
1=hybrid maize was main crop0.34(0.47)0.43(0.50)0.34(0.47)****
1=intercropped maize and legume0.21(0.41)0.21(0.41)0.26(0.44)
1=applied animal manure0.14(0.34)0.26(0.44)0.21(0.41)*****
1=applied green compost0.07(0.25)0.11(0.31)0.15(0.35)***
1=used minimum tillage0.05(0.22)0.13(0.34)0.13(0.33)******
  • Note: N = 347 in column (1), N = 266 in column (2), N = 335 in column (3). The Bonferroni multiple comparison test was used to test means among groups.