Table 1 Descriptive Comparisons between Tenant and Landlord
 TenantLandlordDifference: Tenant-Landlord
MeanStd. Dev.MeanStd. Dev.
Education of household head in years of schooling7.754.364.653.683.10***
Prerental landholding in ha0.831.071.881.56−1.05***
Number of household members5.472.385.002.180.47*
=1 if household head is female0.11***0.310.260.44−0.15***
Age of household head in years40.50***12.1847.5516.17−7.05***
Savings in USD80***265103270***
Value of assets in USD737**3,149117274620**
Number of plots cultivated by the household3.60******
Average walking distance to plots (minutes)31.3524.5923.2221.318.13***
=1 if member of household is member of village savings and loan association0.510.500.440.500.07
Walking distance to nearest extension officer (minutes)32.05145.6645.51122.15−13.46
  • Note: The number of household-level observations is 169 tenants and 169 landlords.

  • ***, **, * Significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels, respectively.