Table 3 Differences between Landlord’s Owner-Cultivated and Rented-Out Plots
Landlord’s Owner-Cultivated PlotsLandlord’s Rented-Out Plots
MeanStd. Dev.MeanStd. Dev.
=1 if landlord views the soil as good or very good0.450.500.470.50
=1 if landlord perceives someone likely or very likely to challenge tenure status of plot0.100.300.140.35
=1 if topsoil is acidic (<5.2 pH) in top soil0.190.390.160.37
Soil organic matter (%) in top soil2.421.352.221.19
Phosphorus (ppm) in top soil37.1923.3538.2722.76
=1 if fruit trees on plot0.42***0.500.25***0.44
  • Note: N = 137 in column (1), N = 108 in column (2).

  • *** The investment on plot is statistically different from each other at the 1% level.