Estimated risk | What do you think the probability is your home will be hit by a flood in the next 30 years? (0-100) |
Neighbors move % | Estimate of % of neighbors that would take a buyout (0-100) |
Inhabitants | Number of people living in household |
Years in town | How many years have you lived in your town? |
Family in town | Has family in town |
Neighbor talk daily | I communicate with my neighbors daily |
Environmental concern | Agree buyouts are good for the environment |
Ocean | Home in V-zone: subject to wave action |
Ever claim | Has made a flood insurance claim on your home |
Ever claim >$25k | Has made a claim for more than $25,000 |
Home value $100-$250k | Home value is $100,000-$250,000 |
Home value $250k+ | Home value is $250,000 and higher |
Has insurance | Home is currently covered by flood insurance |
Premium ($) | Annual flood insurance premium |
Premium savings ($) | Amount per year would save on premium if take coupled buyout |
Home raised | Has your home ever been elevated? |
Income $70k-$149k | Income $70,000-$149,000 |
Income $150k+ | Income above $150,000 |
Age 35-54 | Age 35-54 |
Age 55+ | Age 55 and older |
College degree | Bachelor’s degree completed |
Advanced degree | Advanced degree completed |
White | White |
Black | Black |