- You have accessRestricted accessRace and Concern for the EnvironmentRanie Lin, Lala Ma and Toan PhanLand Economics, November 2024, 100 (4) 606-620; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3368/le.100.4.112723-0125RRanie LinDepartment of Economics, Princeton University, New Jersey;Roles: Ph.D. StudentLala MaDepartment of Economics, University of Kentucky, Lexington; Resources for the Future, Washington, D.C.;Roles: Associate ProfessorToan PhanFederal Reserve Bank of Richmond, Virginia;Roles: Senior Economist
- Open AccessThe Instagram Effect: Is Social Media Influencing Visitation to Public Lands?Ashley Lowe Mackenzie, Steven J. Dundas and Bo ZhaoLand Economics, May 2024, 100 (2) 256-277; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3368/le.100.2.122920-0192R1Ashley Lowe MackenzieDepartment of Natural Resources and Environmental Management, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, HonoluluRoles: Assistant ProfessorSteven J. DundasDepartment of Applied Economics and Coastal Oregon Marine Experiment Station, Oregon State University, CorvallisRoles: Associate ProfessorBo ZhaoDepartment of Geography, University of Washington, SeattleRoles: Associate Professor
- You have accessRestricted accessDoes Being Intergenerationally Accountable Resolve the Intergenerational Sustainability Dilemma?Raja Rajendra Timilsina, Koji Kotani, Yoshinori Nakagawa and Tatsuyoshi SaijoLand Economics, November 2023, 99 (4) 644-667; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3368/le.99.4.041420-0054R1Raja Rajendra TimilsinaAsian Development Bank Institute, Tokyo; Research Institute for Future Design, Kochi University of Technology, Kochi-shi, Japan; Institute for Frontier Studies, Kathmandu;Roles: Economist-ConsultantKoji KotaniResearch Institute for Future Design, Kochi University of Technology, Kochi-shi, Japan; Professor, School of Economics and Management, Kochi University of Technology, Kochi-shi, Japan; Urban Institute, Kyusyu University, Fukuoka, Japan; College of Business, Rikkyo University, Tokyo;Roles: DirectorYoshinori NakagawaGraduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Sophia University, Tokyo; Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Kyoto, Japan;Roles: ProfessorTatsuyoshi SaijoInstitute for International Academic Research, Kyoto University of Advanced Science, Japan; Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Kyoto, Japan;Roles: Professor
- You have accessRestricted accessEnvironmental Disasters and Property Values: Evidence from Nepal’s Forest FiresJayash PaudelLand Economics, February 2022, 98 (1) 115-131; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3368/le.98.1.110519-0159R2Jayash PaudelDepartment of Economics, Boise State University, Idaho;Roles: Assistant Professor
- Open AccessProtecting the Breadbasket with Trees? The Effect of the Great Plains Shelterbelt Project on AgricultureTianshu LiLand Economics, May 2021, 97 (2) 321-344; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3368/le.97.2.321Tianshu LiInstitute of Urban Development of Nanjing Audit University, Jiangsu Province, China;Roles: Assistant Professor